Thursday, June 18, 2009

Me, Rogerio, & Ronaldo (Part IV)

We then headed off to his house (location mentioned already). He had a nice signed poster of Ronaldo in his small entry way which read "To my friend Rogerio from your friend Cristiano" in Portuguese. He then proceeded to give me some Inside United magazines, and Executive Box package, and some photos of Ronaldo. It was a very nice thing for him to do until he started to put his hands all over me, which I wasn't into. When I finally got him to stop (mind you I have over 5 years of military training) he moved over to the other end of the couch were he proceeded to pout like a spoiled brat who didn't get a new toy. I was highly agitated and started to cry, because I couldn't see what they big deal was. He was very nice and said don't worry. I then explained to him that I didn't come to Manchester to "be with him" and that it was for soccer he seemed to be ok with it all. WRONG!!!

I told him that Manchester United and Ronaldo meant the world to me. I loved going to Old Trafford to see them play and loved Manchester as a whole. He said don't worry and offered to get Ronaldo to sign those pictures for me. He had also mentioned asking Ronaldo to see if I could use the tickets he gets allocated for away games to go to the Wigan game that Wednesday evening. Giggs controls the tickets so Ronaldo would have to ask him first, just in case his were already given away. I said don't overstep your boundaries, but he said it was no big deal.

So we got back to the place I was staying and I gave him a kiss and said thanks for everything and tell Ronaldo thanks for signing my stuff and too bad I won't meet him, but oh well. He stated that you never know and smiled. But he had also mentioned going to Carrington and told me about California (he stated that you never know because I could be going or meeting him there). He said to call when I got back so he could see my pictures from Scotland. So I left his old dark blue Mazada feeling ok.

Off to Edinburgh I went. I got back late that Tuesday night. I sent Rogerio a message saying I was back and if he could let me know about the tickets for Wigan I would be greatful. I mean, I had to know if I was going to the game so I could plan my day. I had no idea what laid ahead.

TBC ...

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