Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Me, Rogerio, & Ronaldo (Part III)

So, before I left the states Rogerio had mentioned that it might be a possibility that I would get to me Cristiano Ronaldo. The way we had talked before, he was always saying stuff like "you can tell him when you get here" or "you can give him the photo when you arrive" so I had high hopes. I mean who wouldn't be if they were in my situation?

Unfortuately a week before I left I got really sick and had to miss 2 1/2 days of work. I even had to go to the doctor to get a shot and some medicine which I had to contine to take my first week in Manchester. So when I landed that Thursday morning I was still feeling very ill. Rogerio, aware I was arriving Thursday morning, kept calling and texting me on my US and UK Cell (which was being a pain in my butt) but since I was still ill I just let it go.

That Friday I made my way into Manchester to pick up my train tickets to Scotland. Rogerio had called the night before but I was very jetlegged so I was sleeping and didn't answer. He called again when I was coming out of Next, inside the Arndale. He was happy to know that I had made it to Manchester. He was at the Megastore with Ronaldo's family, they were in town for the end of the season (and his Manchester career, but I didn't know that then). He asked me if my friend and I would come to the restaurant, eat, and then I could stay over at his apartment in Wilmslow. The following morning I could go to Carrington and meet all the players. I was very excited and couldn't believe it was happening.

However, I was still feeling ill so when we got to La Vina (aka Stay) I told him I couldn't stay because I was ill and still tired. Plus I didn't want to get anyone else sick. I told him he could just pick me up in the morning. BEEP BEEP BEEP, that was the sound of him backing up from what he told me. The minute I said no, I wasn't staying I was told some lie about how he wasn't going to take me to Carrington because the players wouldn't be there. Funny, he said they were 8 hours ago. However, he did say maybe next week. Ok, I didn't think too much of it, but at the time I should have seen what was coming coming.

Fast forward to that Sunday ... the day of the Manchester City game. My friend and I looked for Rogerio, but all we saw was Ronaldo's mom. I sent Rogerio a text and he messaged me back asking me to go out that night. I said sure, but I couldn't stay out late because I had to catch a train to Scotland very early in the morning. Little did I know that that night would put a dent in my trip and cause me to look for a new favorite footballer, however, I wouldn't figure that out until I returned back from Scotland.

Ok, so back to Rogerio. We met at The Bubble Room in Alderely Edge, we were supposed to met at Gusto, but he changed it. I mentioned I hadn't ate, to which he was shocked, and said we would go somewhere to eat. We ended up going to Wilmslow to eat at some Italian place off the main street. He ordered some salad and he didn't really like it so he was rude to the waiter, but I enjoyed by food. I mentioned that I was feeling better, to which he replied with a smerk, um ok. Ok, I was really sick, but he didn't really believe me. That should have been a sign with flashing lights around it.

TBC ...

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