Saturday, June 20, 2009

Me, Rogerio, & Ronaldo (Part VI - the End)

Well Rogerio did mention that when people upset him he stops all contact. To me that isn't very mature especially for a 36-year old grown man. He refused to talk to me, not once answering any of my messages. Why? Simply because I didn't sleep with him. Did I mentioned I would stay with him a few nights, yes I did. I do spend nights at friends houses, everyone does. I would have stayed with him to because after all he was a pretty nice and funny guy. Did I give him the wrong impression over MSN, very possible. However, I was sick, PMS'ing, and just felt horrible. Because I did no thave sex with this man I was tossed aside, lied to, and promised things I was never going to get (I never did get my photos back and I am glad I took my jersey back or I never would have seen that again either). I guess I am lucky, I didn't sleep with him and have the same things happen. One will never know.

Overall my trip was fine, did this trip sour my opinio of someone I admired. Yes, it did. I no longer have any Cristiano Ronaldo stuff up in my apartment. Everything I owned is gone (which is good considering he ended up being a sellout and a liar). Does Ronaldo know that his "friend", I use the term loosely, uses him to get chicks? Promising to be included and meet all of them, etc. To be honest I really don't know, but he probably does and gets a kick out of it. However, I still can't look at Ronaldo and be upset. However, the next time I return to Old Trafford I will have a totally different midset, which will be easy now that they are both gone. Was I played to be a fool? Yes. Was it my fault, probably. Some guys only see sex and can't look past that part to be your friend. Odd since 99% of my friends are guys. But he didn't talk down to me constant when I didn't agree with him that I know I didn't deserve. I may not have access to drive fast cars (I own a VW), not have to pay for vacations, and have general luxury, but I don't deserve to be treated like dirt.

Why am I telling this story? I believe that girls should be aware that being associated with Premier League Footballers is not all glam and fast cares especially if you are an educated intelligent woman. I was not directly associated with one, but Rogerio was and still is. So called friends like Rogerio use their relationship with famous people to further their agenda and life. Sooner or later it will run out, they will leave you behind, and you will have nothing. It won't last forever. Rogerio will become the guy that "used" to be friends with Ronaldo and now is a waiter once again.

Its a shame that someone felt because he couldn't get what he wanted he had to act like a spoild 5-year odl child whose mum didn't get him a new toy. Now I only feel anger and sadness when I see Ronaldo. Some people aren't what you think they are.

Am I bitter about the whole thing, sure, who wouldn't be. I was just reminded of how cruel people can act in the name of fame and how ones ego takes over them. Cristiano Ronaldo was a player I admired and loved to watch, but if he has people like Rogerio Mendes around him I will gladly watch my other favorite football play. Ronaldo should take a lesson from other footballers, the ones that don't let money, fame, and ego rule their lives. I don't think that will ever happen though. He surronds himself around fame seeking individuals like Rogerio Mendes, Nereida Gallardo, Gabriela E, and Letiza Fillipi so he deserves everybit of crap he gets thrown at him. Fame will fade and you will have nothing, no friends just leaches. None of those know the meaning of the word.

Girls will continue to want to be WAGS, they don't see the downside of it. They only see fame and money. But without them what would footballers do? This is the nature of our world. Sad really, but in our world it is nothing short of the everyday life of a famous ex-Premier League Footballer. I am glad I am no longer attached to that world. I kept my integrity and for that I will be forever proud of (but Ronaldo did say I was pretty, that I have to laugh at).
*Please note I won't leave this story up forever.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Me, Rogerio, & Ronaldo (Part V)

So Wednesday came and it was noon, still nothing. I then decided to go eat and I went and saw Star Trek at The Prinkworks. After the movie was over I checked by phone ... still nothing. I pretty much figured I wasn't going to go to the game, but I still kept texting. I was getting more and more upset, which I thought was warranted.

I watched the Wigan game where I was staying, thank goodness we won and I went off to bed.

Thursday still nothing. I went to Liverpool and bought a top at All Saints in the Liverpool One complex and ate at McD's in the city centre.

Friday ... still nothing, he wasn't texting me period. I ended up meeting some friends from the states and we went to Old Trafford. We did the tour and they took a picture of me smacking a Ronaldo poster (there was an exibit there with most of his awards, I wonder if it is still up, hopefully not) with an umbrella. After that we all went to Chinatown and ate.

Saturday came and it was the day of the Arsenal match. We just needed one more point to win the League. From where I sat I could see Rogerio clearly. He looked like a thug. He wore mostly black and had a Ronaldo jersey under his black jacket. He also had sunglasses. For anyone who was there that day you really didn't need them. It downpoured TWICE!!! I sent him various messages. Most of the referred to him as being a leach, which in reality he is very much so.

I tried to get into the game but everytime I saw Ronaldo I just got more and more upset. I just knew they (Rogerio and Ronaldo) had a proper laugh about me. I mean I didn't play by their rules. I wasn't a skank. We did win and the celebrations were cool. I was happy to be there, but seeing that leach go on the pitch made me sick to my stomach. He barely works, as a waiter he didn't earn much either (who knows what he does now besides following Ronaldo around and getting handouts). He does nothing period. All he does is leach off Ronaldo and if you threaten that meal ticket of his in anyway you are thrown out faster than you can say Manchester United.

This is what Rogerio does ... he USED to be a waiter (nothing really wrong with doing that as a job), he picks up Ronaldo's fanmail, he takes Ronaldo's family around Manchester, he picks up jerseys and cards for Ronaldo to sign, he housesits for Ronaldo when he is away, he cooks for Ronaldo, and he looks after Ronaldo various skank whore WAG wannabe girlfriends that come around every five minutes. He then defends them, even though we know they are all idiots because they sell their stories to the press.

TBC ...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Me, Rogerio, & Ronaldo (Part IV)

We then headed off to his house (location mentioned already). He had a nice signed poster of Ronaldo in his small entry way which read "To my friend Rogerio from your friend Cristiano" in Portuguese. He then proceeded to give me some Inside United magazines, and Executive Box package, and some photos of Ronaldo. It was a very nice thing for him to do until he started to put his hands all over me, which I wasn't into. When I finally got him to stop (mind you I have over 5 years of military training) he moved over to the other end of the couch were he proceeded to pout like a spoiled brat who didn't get a new toy. I was highly agitated and started to cry, because I couldn't see what they big deal was. He was very nice and said don't worry. I then explained to him that I didn't come to Manchester to "be with him" and that it was for soccer he seemed to be ok with it all. WRONG!!!

I told him that Manchester United and Ronaldo meant the world to me. I loved going to Old Trafford to see them play and loved Manchester as a whole. He said don't worry and offered to get Ronaldo to sign those pictures for me. He had also mentioned asking Ronaldo to see if I could use the tickets he gets allocated for away games to go to the Wigan game that Wednesday evening. Giggs controls the tickets so Ronaldo would have to ask him first, just in case his were already given away. I said don't overstep your boundaries, but he said it was no big deal.

So we got back to the place I was staying and I gave him a kiss and said thanks for everything and tell Ronaldo thanks for signing my stuff and too bad I won't meet him, but oh well. He stated that you never know and smiled. But he had also mentioned going to Carrington and told me about California (he stated that you never know because I could be going or meeting him there). He said to call when I got back so he could see my pictures from Scotland. So I left his old dark blue Mazada feeling ok.

Off to Edinburgh I went. I got back late that Tuesday night. I sent Rogerio a message saying I was back and if he could let me know about the tickets for Wigan I would be greatful. I mean, I had to know if I was going to the game so I could plan my day. I had no idea what laid ahead.

TBC ...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Me, Rogerio, & Ronaldo (Part III)

So, before I left the states Rogerio had mentioned that it might be a possibility that I would get to me Cristiano Ronaldo. The way we had talked before, he was always saying stuff like "you can tell him when you get here" or "you can give him the photo when you arrive" so I had high hopes. I mean who wouldn't be if they were in my situation?

Unfortuately a week before I left I got really sick and had to miss 2 1/2 days of work. I even had to go to the doctor to get a shot and some medicine which I had to contine to take my first week in Manchester. So when I landed that Thursday morning I was still feeling very ill. Rogerio, aware I was arriving Thursday morning, kept calling and texting me on my US and UK Cell (which was being a pain in my butt) but since I was still ill I just let it go.

That Friday I made my way into Manchester to pick up my train tickets to Scotland. Rogerio had called the night before but I was very jetlegged so I was sleeping and didn't answer. He called again when I was coming out of Next, inside the Arndale. He was happy to know that I had made it to Manchester. He was at the Megastore with Ronaldo's family, they were in town for the end of the season (and his Manchester career, but I didn't know that then). He asked me if my friend and I would come to the restaurant, eat, and then I could stay over at his apartment in Wilmslow. The following morning I could go to Carrington and meet all the players. I was very excited and couldn't believe it was happening.

However, I was still feeling ill so when we got to La Vina (aka Stay) I told him I couldn't stay because I was ill and still tired. Plus I didn't want to get anyone else sick. I told him he could just pick me up in the morning. BEEP BEEP BEEP, that was the sound of him backing up from what he told me. The minute I said no, I wasn't staying I was told some lie about how he wasn't going to take me to Carrington because the players wouldn't be there. Funny, he said they were 8 hours ago. However, he did say maybe next week. Ok, I didn't think too much of it, but at the time I should have seen what was coming coming.

Fast forward to that Sunday ... the day of the Manchester City game. My friend and I looked for Rogerio, but all we saw was Ronaldo's mom. I sent Rogerio a text and he messaged me back asking me to go out that night. I said sure, but I couldn't stay out late because I had to catch a train to Scotland very early in the morning. Little did I know that that night would put a dent in my trip and cause me to look for a new favorite footballer, however, I wouldn't figure that out until I returned back from Scotland.

Ok, so back to Rogerio. We met at The Bubble Room in Alderely Edge, we were supposed to met at Gusto, but he changed it. I mentioned I hadn't ate, to which he was shocked, and said we would go somewhere to eat. We ended up going to Wilmslow to eat at some Italian place off the main street. He ordered some salad and he didn't really like it so he was rude to the waiter, but I enjoyed by food. I mentioned that I was feeling better, to which he replied with a smerk, um ok. Ok, I was really sick, but he didn't really believe me. That should have been a sign with flashing lights around it.

TBC ...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Me, Rogerio, & Ronaldo (Part II)

Here is Part II ...

We decided to stay in touch and continued to send SMS messages and talked over MSN. He liked me from what I could tell and I actually liked Rogerio. I wasn't sure if I would actually end up "dating" him though. He wasn't exactly my type, but he did make me laugh. Did we flirt? Sure, to me it was harmless or so I thought at the time.

However, when we talked I was always reminded of his connection with Ronaldo. Some of the time Rogerio would be at Ronaldo's house when we were chatting. He would have to get off when Cristiano would get home, most of the time to finish cooking for him. But, if I mentioned something about Ronaldo that made me mad or upset, the married woman incident for example, I was made to feel like a 5-year old child that had to listen to everything Rogerio said. Be seen and not heard I guess. FYI, Rogerio is 36-years old and up until a few weeks ago lived in that very small apartment. After he quit La Vina (aka Stay) he pretty much moved into Ronaldo's house. He also gets free vacations and shoes that are more than my car payment (Ronaldo is his meal ticket plain and simple).

Now, I don't think of myself as an idiot mostly because I believe I am not. Do I act like an idiot at times ... sure, everybody does. I actually have a Bachelor's Degree in History and I am halfway done with my Master's Degree in European History, plus I need 2 more credits for my Associate's Degree in Information Management. I speak German, not that great, but I can speak it. I also know some Portuguese and Italian. So what do I have in common with a waiter and the World's Best Football? Pretty much nothing, but the love of the game.

TBC ...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Me, Rogerio, & Ronaldo (Part I)

For starters I am an American and a soccer fan. I travel to England a couple times a year to see some games mostly Manchester United games (yes, I still support Joey Barton). What follows is my account of my trip to Manchester this past May, but to tell the story I will have to go back to November 2008.

November 1, 2008 I met a friend of mine for dinner at La Vina (which is now Stay) in Alderely Edge. I had arrived earlier in the week for a trip with some other supporters. We had already seen the game versus West Ham and just saw us squeak out a win against Hull City earlier in the day. I had also gone up to Newcastle on my own to take in their game versus West Brom (yes I did see Joey score, but I was at the other side).

Once at the restaurant we were seated upstairs and our waiter turned out to be a man by the name of Rogerio Mendes. Now this name may not mean anything to anyone and he may just seem like a normal waiter. Hower, this normal waiter was anything but. He is to this day and good friend, maybe even one of the best friends, of one Cristiano Ronaldo. Yes, that Ronaldo, World Player of the Year Ronaldo. Known for his step-overs, fits on the pitch, the occasional dive, stupid choices in women, and of course his recent move to the evil team.

Once we finished our meal, we ended up hanging out with Rogerio and a friend of his at Gusto, which is just down the road from La Vina. After that we ended up going to Rogerio's apartment in Wilmslow, which down from the Tesco/Marks & Spencers complex in Handforth. There we were given autograph cards of Ronaldo and Anderson. Rogerio also gave me his match ticket for the West Ham game, which states "Mr C. Ronaldo" on it. Ok, so no problems right? Well it gets a bit confusing and well interesting from this point on.

Ronaldo & Friends

Sorry, to those who were planning to read something last night. I don't have MS Word 2007 on this computer so I have to transfer the document. I'll post it in parts because the whole story involving myself, Cristiano, and his friend Rogerio is 6 pages long! The story took place between Nov 2008 - May 2009. So when I get around to it, enjoy reading it. I only laugh at it now.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Joey Barton still hoping to turn his life around

PLAGUED by his demons he lost his freedom and nearly his career.

But today troubled Toon star Joey Barton tells the Chronicle of his hopes for the future and how he is trying to turn his life around.

The shamed Newcastle United midfielder, who was sent off for a lunging tackle on Xabi Alonso in the defeat at Liverpool in May, was suspended following a heated row with manager Alan Shearer after the game.

Barton was given 200 hours’ community service last year plus a suspended jail stretch for punching Ousmane Dabo at a training ground when they were both at Manchester City.

He was also jailed for six months for another attack, outside McDonald’s in Liverpool, which was caught on CCTV. But he walked free after 74 days.

Barton was banned by the FA for 12 matches – six of which were suspended – and fined £25,000 after admitting a violent conduct charge in relation to the Dabo incident.

And earlier this year he was fined £750 for driving without a licence, as well as £60 costs, after the offence which took place in September last year.

The 26-year-old, who lives in a penthouse in Newcastle city centre, said: “I have tried to make the best of my time off the pitch. It has been well documented that I have had problems with alcohol and I’m trying to turn a corner now.

“All I am looking forward to is going back, I just hope I’m welcome.

“My intention is to stay with the club so I am concentrating on getting back into peak fitness.”

Questions over the Scouser’s future, who joined the team in 2007, have been put on the back burner due to the desperate situation Shearer and United find themselves in right now.

But Barton said he was keen to get back on the pitch and play for the Toon.

He said: “Everything with the club is a little bit up in the air. It is not good times being relegated.

“I don’t know what is going to happen with the club or with the manager situation.

“It’s really frustrating this has happened, especially as I only played about six or seven games.

“I’m just looking forward to going back and my intention is to stay at the club and help Newcastle back into the Premier League.

“If Alan Shearer takes the job and if he doesn’t want me then my hands are tied. All I can do is try and get as fit as possible, but I have got to prepare for all eventualities.”

Recently Barton has been involved in a project called Second Chance, which aims to give recovering drug addicts and people suffering from homelessness something to focus on to keep them off drugs.

Teams from Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland, Durham, Northumbria and Glasgow, came head to head in a bid to use the power of sport by bringing people together and paving the way for healthier lifestyles and new opportunities.

The football star has been giving tips on crosses and shooting to an 11-a-side team.
He said: “I think sport can help keep people off the streets.

“When I was a kid if we had a football to play with, the chances of getting into mischief were greatly lessened.

“I have been really enjoying it as it is keeping my feet on the ground. Due to my past problems I can relate to some of the lads who have similar issues, if not worse.”

Twenty-two-year-old Dennis Baldwin, who lives in Bensham, Gateshead, said he had thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Barton.

The former brick layer, who was playing for Gateshead, said: “It has been a brilliant day, we got to the semi-finals and sadly got knocked out two-nil.

“It is disappointing that we didn’t win but Joey was a great laugh.

“He really helped all the lads improve their game and showed us how it should be done.”

Hugh Thompson, who organised the match, added: “It was a great day and fantastic that Joey came to support the lads.

“A lot of them have had a hard time in the past but they all came together to take part.

“It gives people the chance to play sport as well as hopefully gain some qualifications if that interests them.”

Joey Barton Has No Desire To Leave Newcastle United - Agent

The agent of Joey Barton has revealed that Newcastle United have not yet received any offers for the under-fire midfielder.

It has been rumoured that the 26-year-old is set to leave St. James' Park this summer, following a dressing-room fracas with Alan Shearer, who is expected to be appointed manager on a full-time basis.

It is also thought that the Magpies, who were recently relegated from the Premier League, will want to cash-in on a player earning £64,000-a-week in wages.

Apparently, the likes of Blackburn Rovers, Bolton Wanderers and Tottenham Hotspur have been keeping tabs on the former Manchester City star.

However, his representative, Willie McKay, has denied receiving any formal offers for the ex-England international.

"No, no, no, there's nothing doing – Joey has a three-year contract left at Newcastle," McKay is quoted as saying by The Guardian.

Indeed, it seems that the Toon may have a battle on their hands, as McKay has insisted that Barton has no plans to leave the Tyne & Wear based outfit this summer.

"Joey has three years left on his contract at Newcastle, he doesn't want to leave," McKay affirmed.

Ricky Brooks,