Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another run-in with the law?

Ok, I came an article tonight in tomorrows Daily Mirror saying Joey had been stopped outside the training ground in Newcastle the other day. Apparently it was because of his "driving offense" two weeks ago or because of his driving away from those idiot paparazzi's following him. They seriously need a new job and pronto!

I say let him get on with his life. He did his time. And as for the guy suing him because of something with a cigar three-year ago, I saw you need to worry about your own mess. It was three-years-ago and your a has been or a never was so um, worry about your own drink-driving offense first. You tried to light his shirt on fire first.

So once again, I say let Joey get on with his life. I will be there to support you and so will your fellow fans and many of them are on Facebook, thank goodness.

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